Monday, May 31, 2010

Time for a change.

These past two weeks have been very freeing for me. I've gotten rid of a bit of baggage that I've been holding on to for the past year, graduated from my online school that's taken me 2 and a half years to complete, and the kids are out of school. I felt a physical change was needed, so what do I do? Chop off my hair of course! I didn't mean to go as short as i did, and now that it IS this short, it's taking a little while to get used to. But that's okay, change isn't supposed to be accepted right away is it? The really awesome news is my hair salon has partnered with other salons across the country to send their cut hair to the gulf to help plug the leak. Apparently, the hair will be put in nylons to form more of a blockade. Sounds weird to me, but if it's helping then hey, I feel like I did my part!


  1. I love your hair cut. The hair being used to plug the leak sounds weird to me too but thats ok. It is being used for something. I just did a major chop and will try to get pictures up on my blog soon!

  2. You look great!

    My salon does that too! The explanation I was given is that hair absorbs oil really well, so they are using it in the clean up efforts. They can put the big tubes of hair in the ocean, and it helps the oil from coming farther inland, and also absorbs some.
