Monday, May 3, 2010

So the dermatologist....

After all the embarrassment of the see-through undies, something good came out of it. The mole that was biopsied was, indeed, atypical. It's precancerous with abnormal cell growth. So, back to the dermatologist I go for excision of the root and surrounding tissue. That's going to suck. But I will definitely remember to wear my plain ol' white cottons, and maybe do a few leg raises and squats the day before. (You can never be too cautious, especially since the young intern will likely not enjoy untanned cellulite)


  1. Nooooooooooo! dont wear the plain white undies, wear the cute sexy Victoria's secret undies! the intern will enjoy that so much more! :0) Good luck with all of the removal stuff I hope it goes really good. The leg squat comment made me laugh! :0)

  2. Oh don't worry Elizabeth. They will NOT be granny panties. After what happened last time I just don't want him to wonder about me, know what I mean? LOL
    Or...maybe I should. Maybe I should go out and get some leopard print ones with lace. How awesome would that be? That just might make his day. Haha!!

  3. you should wear the underwear with the days of the week on them but make sure your wearing the wrong day then they won't want to get too close and it will be very funny to me, good luck
