Thursday, March 19, 2009

Jared turns 7.

You can't really tell from the photo, but these kids got soaked!! (especially when Doug turned the hose on them.)

The girls.

Jared, Zach, and Kadin. Zach just lives up the street from us. Kadin is one of Jared's best friends from school.

The green guitar cupcake cake.

They all took turns playing different instruments. Jared's on the guitar, far left.

You would never believe how much candy came out of that thing. Each kid walked away with at least half a pound. I hope the parents weren't too upset!

I made them eat their pizza outside. It was a great idea.

We finally celebrated Jared's birthday this past weekend. Doug had to work on his actual birthday (Feb 28), so my friend flew into town and we took Jared to the movies and out to eat. Plus, he had opening day for little league baseball, which was really cool. It seemed like most of Anthem was there cheering on all 900 little leaguers as all the teams made their way around the track. In fact, the high school stadium was full of parents. I've never seen anything like that. AND, they had an opening prayer before the ceremonies started. You'd never see that in California, that's for sure.
Anyway, as for the party, 13 kids including my two showed up. Some played guitar hero, others soaked each other with squirt guns in the back yard, and everyone had fun. We had one little escapee. Jade's friend Mayah decided to take off out the front door and run down the driveway because she thought she saw her daddy's car. Luckily I saw her do it. We made sure to lock the door after that little incident. Jared's cake was a green guitar cupcake cake. No, I didn't make it. I've completely given that up. It's so much easier to buy them. Jade found that the cupcakes come out just as green as they go in. TMI, I know.


  1. fun, fun! I found that apple jacks made my littles poo turn green! That cake was pretty cool!

  2. Looks like they all had a great time......and hey, there's nothing wrong with buying the cake! (very cute too by the way)
