Monday, April 19, 2010

My new ride

Our little Saturn Vue was such a cute, good little car. Unfortunately, we just outgrew it. Where we live now offers so much more outdoor activity than where we were in CA. We camp, we hike, we take long trips, and there is even the possibility of a boat in our future (yikes!). So, we decided it was time for an upgrade. And boy did we get one.

I love, love, love our new Tahoe. It's awesome. Seriously awesome. My favorite thing about it is the remote start. That means when it's 115 degrees outside and I'm in the checkout line at Walmart, I can start my car and let the air run for 10 minutes so I don't climb into a furnace. It has an anti-theft device, so even though the engine is running, no one can put it in gear or take off with it without the key. Fuel wise it's not too bad either. It's got the flex fuel feature, which allows it to operate on the cylinders needed. So, even though it's a V8, around town it'll drop to 4 or 6 cylinders.

Plus it has a backup camera so I won't hit any kids while backing out of Jade's school. That's a MAJOR plus!!

The kids love it, I love it, Doug loves it. Yay!!! He doesn't love the way I park it in the garage though. I keep telling him to do the tennis ball hanging thing, but for some reason he thinks yelling at me will work better.


  1. I love your new tahoe. We have a black expidition and i love it. Mine has back up beepers which has come in very handy many a time. Good for you! Very excited for you and your new suv!
